Monday, 1 September 2014

To my good English friends and kin

(Most of my English friends have shown quite a bit of support for the Scottish 'Yes' campaign. I would like to thank them - and to make a wee statement about this.)

I know that you know, when I vote for Independence,
that this is not about you, or your hopes or aspirations.
I am not against you,
I remain your friend.
I know, that you know, the visions for my country
I know, that you know, the way we’ve been portrayed -
the downplayed hopes, the jokes, mistaken images
(even the ‘best thing’ being the road to England):
I know that you did not believe these.

I welcome your support, your friendship beyond value.

And on September eighteenth, I know and will remember,
that you think then of my country, and you may even measure
your hopes, your aspirations, by success of mine.
And so, I look to futures still to be created,
in knowledge that you and I will continue friendships,
in separate countries, with still shared aspirations,
to freedom and justice, equality of all.
And we will talk, then, and share our mutual interest
and know we talk as equals, across a wee bit border,
in countries each with their determination,
with voice, with heart, with soul, with mind.

I know that you know, that when I vote on that day,
my hope is for creation of something that will last,
of something that enables reciprocal affections
through our so different histories,
to learn, discuss, create -
respecting each the other, with no predomination:

Scotland and England, each of us sovereign states.

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